
The relationship between game developers and consumers has come under increased scrutiny lately, specifically as a result of being impacted by the recent controversy surrounding the videogame Mass Effect 3. Serving as the final entry into one of the most popular series in the gaming industry, the game received considerable fan and media attention prior to release, with expectations for the conclusion at a high. Following the game’s publication however, many have expressed severe disappointment with how the developing company, Bioware, chose to conclude the storyline to their franchise. Complaints in general cited that the final few minutes of the game were extraordinarily poorly handled compared to the perceived level of quality inherent in the rest of the series, and have claimed that Bioware falsely advertised to their consumers during the pre-release period. As a result, a considerable number of gamers have been petitioning Bioware to address their concerns by changing the ending of their game, an idea which continues to receive controversy since the title’s release in March of 2012.

My research centered on the question of how fans used web-based forms of communication to express their viewpoints. Since videogames are themselves digital items, it was interesting for me to see how online media was used to express ideas over a media device. In addition, since videogames are often stereotypically seen as either mindless or casual pastimes, it was relevant for me as a fellow gamer to record the degree of emotional expression fans had in regards to Mass Effect as a story-driven game series. The response from the playerbase over this issue has possible ramifications for how videogame developers relate towards their fans, as well as reflects possible changing attitudes in regards to what people look for in videogame titles.

 Websites used to study this issue primarily consisted of public discussion forums and comment sections, particularly Bioware Social Network. Other sources included news articles and blog posts, as well as user-created content such as online videos, artwork, and fan-fiction. Since the controversy centers on subjective responses and general online trends, it seemed appropriate to use sources which reflected unadulterated consumer opinion.

Thank you, and hope you enjoy!

Casey Hudson is Bioware’s Director for Mass Effect 3. The source of the quotation can be found here: